After 10 years with "J", I am now getting divorced and loosing my house in a short sale. (If you want to know how this all happened, I would recommend reading
this post here and this post here) But I am young, only 25, and I have started to close that chapter and explore the next. This is where I find out what I am made of. This is where I seek 'me'

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A concept for me

Finding that if you live your life free from clutter and with a basic concept of simplicity and minimalism, that happiness, has no place to hide!

i put this on my facebook page today but I wanted to elaborate on it just a little more...

my life can be very stressful at times. obviously.  but there is one thing in my life that is so simple, so lovely and that is my relationship with my boyfriend.

looking back at my marriage, i see two people living life in a pressure cooker. stressed, feeling over burdened, and weighed down.

why live life like that?  

maybe marriage isn't for everyone.  a lifetime with one person is a hell of a commitment.

live life simple

enjoy being together when you can.  think of each when you can't.  smile, laugh, and kiss.  

be happy doing nothing together because if your not happy in the simplest of situations, how can you be happy when life gets hard?

1 comment:

The Darbzilla said...

Wow, Heather... this is similar to what I came on Blogger to post myself. :)

I'm glad you've found happiness with him, and I hope it continues for a very VERY long time. After all you've been through, you deserve this. <3