After 10 years with "J", I am now getting divorced and loosing my house in a short sale. (If you want to know how this all happened, I would recommend reading
this post here and this post here) But I am young, only 25, and I have started to close that chapter and explore the next. This is where I find out what I am made of. This is where I seek 'me'

Friday, January 22, 2010


Last week my best friend "M" went missing...

It was a busy week; I was battling a cold, had several doctors appointments, and was planning a birthday party for my husband "J" - all the while trying to support my best friend while she was dealing with a suicidal brother.

It would be a good time to tell you that my husband and I have been married for three 1/2 years and one of the doctors appointments was to see about the possibility of a baby. I suppose I'll tell you more about that later...

It was 8 PM on Friday night, the night before my husbands birthday party when I got an email from M that made my stomach sink. It read..."Heather, we will not be able to make it to J's party tomorrow. "C" (their 1 1/2 year old daughter) is getting sick and we feel its best not to come". Immediately I knew that was a lie. If that was true, why wouldn't she just call me - I mean we had talked on the phone the night before and she was going to bring some food for the party and everything. I wrote her back simply saying "I hope C feels better". About an hour later though - I decided to write her back again...

"We're really kinda bummed that you guys aren't coming especially because you couldn't come last year either. I called your cell phone but you didn't answer, I didn't call the house phone b/c I didn't want to wake C if she's sleeping. I hope everything is alright. Did something happen? I just have a weird feeling...its kinda strange that you wouldn't call or at least one of you wouldn't come."

She never wrote back. During the week I kept emailing and calling - worried that I did something to piss her off. I started going over our conversations the past week to see if I said something I shouldn't of. Finally - almost a week later - after emailing her at her private email, on facebook, and at her work in addition to her husbands private email and work email AND all the unanswered phone calls - with no answers, my husband "J" expressed his worry for her safety. I decided it might be best to call her mothers house to make sure she was okay. But just before I made that call, I checked my email - Inbox 1....

I found M...

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