So last night I had a nightmare about J. :/ It was horrible, I woke up with my teeth clenched, pissed off, and full of sweat. I have no idea what prompted this nightmare but it sucked!
For some reason in my nightmare I moved down south somewhere to live with someone who was either related to J or a mutual friend of ours, I'm not sure how they fit into the picture. Then at some point I am told that J and his girlfriend (who in my dream, for some reason, does not look like M) and baby are on their way to come live at the same house. I start crying and I am asking 'why?' and 'where are they going to stay, there is no room'. I am told that they are going to stay in my room and that we have to share a bed. So I am flipping out because I have to sleep next to J and his gf and baby.
Then when they show up, J starts trying to be nice and apologize and I just flip out. All I want to do is see my cat. Enter my cat, Jacob. Jacob doesn’t remember me and goes over to J's gf and jumps in her arms. At this point I try to beat the shit out of the gf and then....
I wake up.
I really don't know what this dream is about and I am not going to try and decipher it - I just wanted to share this...its pretty fucked up if you ask me.
I'd say it's your mind's way of letting go of the anger you've held in subconsciously, because you haven't had the opportunity to 'flip out' on J or M while they were both right in front of you. I think your mind created that dream to give you the ability to do so without actually having to do so (regardless that the woman in the dream didn't look like M - the fact there was a baby involved says enough that it was her)...
hmmm, I think you could very well be right!
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