After 10 years with "J", I am now getting divorced and loosing my house in a short sale. (If you want to know how this all happened, I would recommend reading
this post here and this post here) But I am young, only 25, and I have started to close that chapter and explore the next. This is where I find out what I am made of. This is where I seek 'me'

Monday, February 1, 2010

Another day, another chance to heal

It was another crazy weekend filled with ups and downs...

Friday I left work early to go to a doctor's appointment.  When I arrived the receptionists were giving me a funny look, I told them who I was and that I had an appointment - they said;

"We called and left a message on Tuesday at your home - Dr. O had to reschedule"

I lost it..."Figures, I separated from my husband and he didn't give me the message!"  "AND...I cannot take of anymore time to reschedule!"

I'm sure they thought I was crazy - which I am.

I was furious, I called J four times, no answer.  I could tell he was hitting the ignore button on his phone. Well this sent me into a panic attack - I ended up driving to the house and freaking out for a bit over little things.  My mom ended up coming over to calm me down.  The night ended with my awesome neighbors bringing over a bottle of wine...they probably heard me crying through the wall lol....

Saturday morning I moved my things out of the house and into storage.  I made it through with minimal tears.  We moved quick and it kept me busy.  I'm glad thats over with...

There was a little more drama in the afternoon but I am saving that for another post :-)

The rest of the weekend went pretty well.  I went into the city with my Mom for a bit, got my eyebrows and lip waxed - finally!  And got my room all setup at my parents house.

I've been doing some thinking about my future and I think I am going to make a I’m 25 and already divorced with nothing else to do list bucket list.  I really have nothing to hold me back anymore.  I have never been alone in my life (been with J since I was 15) so I think I am ready for some Heather time.  Once I get a few ideas I am going to post it on the side bar of this blog.


jen said...

Good for you!! I know this may sound bad, but at least this has happened now, whilst you're still really young, and not 10 or 15 years down the line, when it'd be difficult to figure out who you are or who you want to be! x

Anonymous said...

I just got caught up with everything and I have to tell you...I am PISSED for your sake.

YOU? Are fantastic and you will make it through this and come out the other side even more fabulous...if that's even possible.


Heather said...

@ jen - I guess that is a small upside. I kinda feel like all my friends are married and having their frist baby and I am already starting over - its kinda awkward timing but I am still young. I can still find my "soul mate" and do the things I want to do - just not in sync with my girlfriends.

@ sleepyjane - haha...I am pissed too. thanks for the awesome words :-)