After 10 years with "J", I am now getting divorced and loosing my house in a short sale. (If you want to know how this all happened, I would recommend reading
this post here and this post here) But I am young, only 25, and I have started to close that chapter and explore the next. This is where I find out what I am made of. This is where I seek 'me'

Friday, January 29, 2010

Moving Out

I don't really feel like blogging today - my head this will be short;
  • I am moving all my things out of the house on Saturday and into storage
  • J is moving his things to his new "rental house" also
    • He is supposedly renting his step fathers house.  His mom and him are going to sit down and work out a budget for him.  So typical...29 years old and still can't do things his self.  I always did the bills etc....he will never learn.  Besides how much rent can you pay when your unemployed, have no plans of working and just bought a cell phone with a plan
  • I am also going to the Franklin Institute to see the Body Worlds exhibit with my mom and her girlfriends this weekend.  I am looking forward to the distraction
  • J is borrowing a truck from his godmother who he hates with a passion (I hate her too lol).  It must suck to owe someone you despise a favor
  • I wrote J an email telling him how I feel....should be interesting to see his response - if he even responds
I am not looking forward to Saturday - I am praying that I can make it through - I am getting choked up just thinking about it :(

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